
新浦安で英会話を学ぶならケント KENT英会話学院

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Test your (summer) English!

It’s still summer!

Summer hasn’t quite finished yet (it's hot again today!) so we would normally ask questions about it using the present perfect tense. Can you answer them in the correct form and ask some more?

● Have you seen any fireworks so far?
● Have you drunk much beer this summer?
● Have you spent much time outside?
● Have you used less electricity than normal?
● Have you wished you lived in a cooler country?

(This year the UK summer was very cool; it was a shock to get back to super-hot Japan!)

新浦安で英会話を学ぶならケント KENT英会話学院

〒 279-0012 入船1-4-1 ショッパーズプラザ新浦安7F

TEL 047-353-8708  FAX 047-353-8708