
新浦安で英会話を学ぶならケント KENT英会話学院

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Happy New Year!

We hope you all had a good New Year and that 2011 will be happy and prosperous! Come and join us at Kent this year to improve your English and enjoy using it.

All the staff here had a great break; some of us went to Thailand, some to the Philippines, some went skiing, one to Hong Kong and only one went to the UK for a white Christmas. And one of us had a baby! Find out who did what; we're ready to welcome you!

新浦安で英会話を学ぶならケント KENT英会話学院

〒 279-0012 入船1-4-1 ショッパーズプラザ新浦安7F

TEL 047-353-8708  FAX 047-353-8708